ERF 2018

5th workshop on Hybrid Production Systems

The ninth edition of the European Robotics Forum will take place in Tampere, Finland from the 13th till the 15th of March 2018 (event programme). Within this context the 5th Workshop on Hybrid Production Systems will take place on March 13th.

This workshop is dedicated to presenting the latest technologies, research results facilitating Human Robot Collaboration (HRC) in an industrial setting. Some examples of such technologies are:

  • AR and VR applications using wearables
  • Safety related technologies
  • Human-Robot interaction technologies
  • Mobile manipulators
  • Sensor technologies
  • Planning using decision making

The aim of this project is to present early results from ongoing research projects, final results from finished projects as well as the lessons learned from the latter ones. The purpose is to exchange experiences between the researchers with respect to the presented results and give to the researcher/inventor feedback. Additionally, the purpose of the workshop is to inform the community of emerging technologies that may soon be available on the market.

Agenda of the Workshop