ERF 2016

3rd workshop on Hybrid Production Systems

The seventh edition of the European Robotics Forum will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia from the 21st till the 23rd of March 2016 ( Within this context the 3rd Workshop on Hybrid Production Systems will take place on March 23rd (14:00-15:30 CET, Room 3).

This workshop is dedicated to research projects with the focus on Human-Robot-Collaboration.

In this year’s workshop early results from ongoing research projects (e.g. SYMBIO-TIC, FourByThree, PERFoRM) will be introduced. Early results are characterized as being developed within the first year of the project and as having been validated as a simple proof of concept in the lab (TRL3). The purpose is to give the researcher / inventor feedback w.r.t. to her/his result, e.g. potential enablers, multiplicators, restrictions, etc.

In the second half of the workshop, developed technologies by ongoing or completed research projects for safe and/or intuitive human robot interaction will be elaborated using a project’s demonstrator as an example application (TRL 5/6). The purpose is to inform the community of emerging technologies that may soon be available on the market. The presented commercialization should also serves as an example to other projects on how to turn a research result into an innovation (commercial product/service).

Ultimately, the workshop’s goal is to continue the dialogue between the projects, as well as between the projects and the community about the methodologies, technologies and platforms used and the results to be developed.

Agenda of the Workshop

  • 14:00-14:20 Early Results from just started projects
  • 14:20-14:55 Novel Safety Technologies
  • 14:55-15:30 Novel Interaction Technologies